
Logitech webcam reviews
Logitech webcam reviews


So, if you have a slow PC, you can expect better compression and better image quality, but don’t expect low CPU usage – in the Macbook Air 11″ (Windows 7), the CPU did fluctuate between 45-65% with every camera. I can believe that for the same quality it may use less resources, but I can’t tell, because I can’t tweak the quality to compare apples-to-apples.


In any case, I have not seen any practical low-CPU utilization with the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920. The CPU utilization is hard to measure because if the image is moving, that changes the bitrate of the camera, and even though there is hardware compression, the dataflow still changes enormously. The Logitech C920 wins pretty clearly in these shots, and I’m uploading the full-size photos and movies to Flickr, just in case, you want to have a closer look at those. B910 (if you want to know what the difference between C and B series, read this thread Logitech. At Ubergizmo, we never want to leave people in the cold, so we came back with a better test setup which consist in a controlled lighting environment and crops of the photos captured with the webcam at their highest resolution. It’s true that Skype probably introduces too much interference and the image reduction to fit the site’s 640 pixels width content may remove too much information. Update : it’s been a while, but I see in the comments that the screenshots provided below aren’t enough to form a definitive opinion.


I personally like to video-call in full screen, so every little detail is blown up. If you have a small display or use Skype in a window, this won’t matter as much to you. It is clear that things have changed a lot since the QuickCam Pro 9000 which great when it came out, but even when compared to the recent Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910, the difference is noticeable in full screen. They are a good base to illustrate the differences between the few Logitech webcams that we have around. Skype screenshot with the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920Ībove are screenshots from Skype Calls where I show my desk. Here are the screenshots taken from my desk, and I have uploaded the full-size images on our Ubergizmo Flickr account as the 640 pixels wide photos don’t give a real sense of what it looks like. The result was very interesting: both the image quality and the fluidity of the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920was noticeably higher than even the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 which is just a notch below, and the difference is particularly noticeable when compared to the older Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 that was one of the best webcams just a couple of years ago. I was really curious to see how the camera would perform. To test this, I have decided to try the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 on my old Macbook Air (Core 2 Duo + 4GB), as it is not a powerful computer.


Note that to take advantage of the 1080p video streaming in Skype, one needs to install Skype 5.7 (beta for now) or above. We use Skype quite a bit in the office, so we decided to put the camera to the test to see if it lives up to the hype. By having the camera perform the hardware, it is possible to have excellent video quality, even on a mildly powerful computer.


The compression can vary from a video-call software to another, but the principle stays the same. If you are not familiar with how this works, usually, webcam capture video and an uncompressed stream is sent to the computer, where the main processor (CPU) performs the video compression before it is sent by a software like Skype. You heard that right, we are talking about built-in hardware compression here. Logitech has recently launched the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 webcam, and this one is of particular interest to me because the H.264 video compression is done in the camera itself.

Logitech webcam reviews